Jello Labs

A family of problem solvers.

Our Team

Members of our team have helped change the world in one way or another through their previous work building products used and loved by hundreds of millions of people.

Founder & CEO

Alan previously spent time at City Hall, launching initiatives such as NYC Big Apps and the 311 iPhone app, and more recently at Fab. Alan has an MBA from NYU Stern in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, and a BBA from Michigan Ross School of Business. He has a sneaker addiction and is always up for a game of FIFA.

Founder & CTO

Octavian is an Ex-googler, author of Multiple Inboxes in gmail, author of the charts on Google Finance, with significant contributions to Google Maps and Maps Search infrastructure. He has written production quality code in Javascript, Actionscript, Java, C++, Ruby, ObjectiveC, and now is picking up Go. He likes skydiving, paragliding and pretending to be Borat.

Senior Engineer

Jim dropped out of UPenn to found, build, and eventually sell Lore. He enjoys building things, and frequently wears orange.

Senior Engineer

Trey is a recovering hardware engineer, but has now moved on to the softer stuff. He started out working in silicon manufacturing, hardware design, and firmware, studied at Hacker School for three months, and then was at eBay NYC building an at scale, real-time recommendation system from scratch. He is a craft beer enthusiast, and possibly the world’s best puzzle bobble player.

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